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Postal Service Health Benefit

The Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program is a new, separate program within the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program, administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) which will provide health insurance to eligible Postal Service employees, Postal Service annuitants, and their eligible family members starting in 2025. The PSHB Program coverage will replace Federal Employees Health Benefit (FEHB) Program coverage for these groups.

USPS has issued fact sheets on the PSHB program – one for current Postal employees, and one for Postal annuitants.

Medicare Part B Special Enrollment Period runs through September

The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) has arrived and runs through Sept. 30. The SEP is a result of the Postal
Service Reform Act that created the Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program within the existing Federal
Employees Health Benefits Program. A major component of the Postal Service Reform Act was the integration of
Medicare with the PSHB program.
Retirees aged 65 or older who have not yet enrolled in Medicare Part B have a chance to enroll without being
subject to the late enrollment penalty during this special one-time-only period. If they enroll, the Postal Service
will pay for the rest of their lives any annual penalties on the premium for not having enrolled during their initial
enrollment period. For those who did not enroll in Medicare Part B when they were first eligible, this is a chance to
opt in at a time when they might need it more, without having had to pay the premiums earlier when they did not
need it, or a penalty for opting in late.
Eligible retirees should have received notice and enrollment instructions from the Postal Service. To read more
about the PSHB Program, see the January issue of The Postal Record.

Source Information

The NALC and the USPS will be sending out and updating information as we get closer to the November to December Open Season to pick a plan within the Postal Service Health Benefit Plan (PSHB). Be aware of false information from varies sites at this time and only relay on direct sites like the USPS liteBlue and the NALC National website for all your information. I have seen a list of plans being kicked around that has nothing to do with PSHB. Check with your insurance carrier cause there are many coming over to PSHB when FEHB ends to start coverage on January 1st 2025.