NALC Br. 294 President Tony Paolillo

NALC Br. 294 Vice President Harry Carney

July 13, 2024

Collective bargaining update

NALC President Brian L. Renfroe issued the following statement:

NALC and USPS bargaining representatives spent most of the past week “locked down” in a Washington, DC hotel focused on negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. This intense session enabled us to work undisturbed in a neutral space towards reaching a tentative agreement.

Since last year, bargaining representatives have worked tirelessly to achieve common ground on hundreds of proposals that would benefit letter carriers and reward us for our value and contributions to the success of the Postal Service. This week’s uninterrupted negotiations resulted in progress toward resolution of numerous outstanding issues. The number of unresolved issues has narrowed significantly, and we will continue negotiations in the coming week.

As the week ends, I am more optimistic than at any earlier point in this round of collective bargaining that we can and will reach a tentative agreement that meets the moment for our members and fairly recognizes and rewards them for their dedicated work and contributions to the Postal Service. However, if negotiations break down, we are fully prepared to pursue our goals in the interest arbitration process.

As has been the case for decades, our bargaining process progresses discreetly through sensitive and substantive discussion as opposed to public campaigns in the press or on social media that would hamper our public-sector union’s efforts. I deeply appreciate the diligence and commitment to achieving results in this process from NALC’s officers, staff, and professionals, as well as the continued good faith bargaining engagement of Deputy Postmaster General Doug Tulino and his team.

Upcoming Events

Our Flushing Letter Carriers branch may be one of the most active in the nation. We have our monthly  meetings to educate our membership, Family Events such as our Annual Picnic and Children's Christmas Party, Sports Events, Scholarship Awards, Blood Drives, Annual Food Drive you name it.

Our monthly Flushing Letter Carriers NALC Br.294 meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at the Knights of Columbus in Flushing on 160 street just off Northern Blvd. Our General Meetings for our membership will begin at around 6PM. Food and beverages will be available to all that attend. Read the postings at your Station where the Shop Steward will post our meetings and any changes or cancellations that may come about.

National Conventions

Biennial Convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers

The 73rd Convention in 2024 is Aug. 5-9 in Boston

The 74th Convention in 2026 is Aug. 3-7 in Los Angeles

The 75th Convention in 2028 is July 31-Aug. 4 in Minneapolis

The 76th Convention in 2030 is Aug. 19-23 in Honolulu



Know Your Weingarten Rights

An employee is entitled to Union Representation when all of the following conditions are met:
  • A manager, representative of management, or supervisor is seeking to question an employee.  
  • The questioning is part of an investigation into the employee’s performance or work conduct.  During an investigatory interview, a representative of management may require an employee to defend, explain, or admit misconduct or work performance issues that may form the basis for discipline or discharge.  
  • The employee reasonably believes that the investigation may result in discharge, discipline, demotion, or other adverse consequence to their job status or working conditions.  
  • The employee requests a union representative.  Employers are not required to advise employees of their right to representation and third parties (including union representatives) may not make the request on behalf of the employee.


Here is where you will find some of the latest News that affects the USPS, NALC and You

June 25, 2024

Maximum annual leave carryover amount of 520 hours extended into the 2025 leave year

NALC and the United States Postal Service have agreed to a memorandum of understanding (M-02002) extending the annual leave carryover limit. Regular work force career employees covered by the USPS-NALC National Agreement may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2024 to leave year 2025. The Memorandum does not change the provisions in the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) for payment of accumulated leave. This MOU will expire with the conclusion of the 2025 Leave Year.

April 28, 2024

Medicare Part B Special Enrollment Period runs through September

The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) has arrived and runs through Sept. 30. The SEP is a result of the Postal
Service Reform Act that created the Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program within the existing Federal
Employees Health Benefits Program. A major component of the Postal Service Reform Act was the integration of
Medicare with the PSHB program.
Retirees aged 65 or older who have not yet enrolled in Medicare Part B have a chance to enroll without being
subject to the late enrollment penalty during this special one-time-only period. If they enroll, the Postal Service
will pay for the rest of their lives any annual penalties on the premium for not having enrolled during their initial
enrollment period. For those who did not enroll in Medicare Part B when they were first eligible, this is a chance to
opt in at a time when they might need it more, without having had to pay the premiums earlier when they did not
need it, or a penalty for opting in late.
Eligible retirees should have received notice and enrollment instructions from the Postal Service. To read more
about the PSHB Program, see the January issue of The Postal Record.



For all the men and women who have served our country this is for you.